Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Como vamos

Current music: "Gladrags and Handbags" Rod Stewart

Yesterday ended up being rough. Met a new Ana ande Xavi from BCN and we were overtaken at one point by my first-day parental Ana and Javi. We had to walk around a power plant, but it was well-marked. Later I ended up on my own and at one point was on the bike route by accident. It was apparently a flatter route, but unfortunately considerably longer. Blerg. There were plenty of beds left in the hostel after I finally made it out of the blazing heat. Yahoo. I doodled around and washed some clothes before meeting dear Javi, a friend from Pamplona that I know from Madrid. He gave me a tour and we had some fantastic tapas (tosta, patatas with salsas, and delish cheeses), we walked around and saw the first kukuxumusu, the places where Hemmingway slept and got drunk, a park with ants de cosquillas, and walked where the bulls normally run. Good fun.
This morning I woke up at 5:30 and stretched a while. My right knee is killing me and my calves are obvioulsy not strong like they used to be. I got operated on this morning by a friend to treat my ampolla - apparently the key to prevent them is just cover your feet in vaseline.
I am now sitting on a curb in Pamplona trying to see if a pharmacy will open, but moreso thinking I just can't go on today. Maybe if I had different shoes or different feet...
Enviado desde mi dispositivo BlackBerry® de Orange.

1 comment:

  1. Happy to be part of your post, but you forgot typical Keler beer!
    Have a nice Camino!
