Sunday, September 4, 2011

Current company: Montse, hospitalero Jesus
Current music: la mejor musica, KISS FM. "The Way You Make Me Feel," Michael Jackson
Current thought: Como podemos bajar de esta montana tan nublada...
Current kilometers totaled: 338

We've awoken to a lot of fog this morning. Since we're wanting to see the gorgeous vistas that the highest peak on the Camino provides, we're sitting in the albergue trying to wait out the cloud coverage.
A few days ago we decided to jump past the boring section between Burgos and Leon that was Kansas-like, full of corn crops. We jumped forward to Leon where I visited their cathedral and ran into some friends we had lost sight of since we had slowed down. I had an incredible plate of Cecina for dinner after eating a Doner Kebab lunch. Montse had never tried a kebab, but she liked the one she had. The next morning as we left town we met an Israeli girl, Michal, and have been travelling with her since then. She reminds me a lot of my former roommate Amanda and actually looks like her. We ran into a rainstorm leaving Leon and were wet and cold for most of the day and ended up missing the alternative route that the guide suggested. Whoops. We then continued to Astorga, which has a big cathedral. We had a nice dinner with Guillem and Pippo from Cataluna. Yesterday we had to climb up to a tiny town where we stayed in a donation-run hostal that provided everyone dinner and breakfast! We met some nice Germans, Mary and Piedro, and had nice German beers with them.
Hopefully we can get a move on soon!
Besos from Foncebadon.
Enviado desde mi dispositivo BlackBerry® de Orange.

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