Monday, September 5, 2011

In other words

Current location: Cacabelos
Current thought: how much longer will I walk today?

I forgot to relate the other day about the phone call I received from my dear friend Allison, who has recently started teaching at a bilingual school in DC. It's so nice to hear from people outside of the Camino and even more fun to hear from a good friend and former pilgrim!
Yesterday was a tough day for my knees. There was a lot of bajada as we were already at the Camino's highest point. I laid my rocks from Murcia at the Cruz de Ferro, where you lay rocks from your homeland or from the Alto de Perdon and God's supposed to forgive you according to the weight you've carried come Judgement Day. A ver.
There were moments of clearing where we could see the mountains and I was enchanted. At one point you can see an entire valley where Ponferrada is. It was so beautiful. I went by the highway for a while because it was much smoother, but decided incorrectly to take the normal footpath and nearly melted my knee caps comin' down the mountain. I got to a little town before Ponferrada and stayed there the night. I experienced a "no room at the inn" moment as some cyclists took the last spots in one albergue. But then I met some people from Madrid and Sevilla and had dinner with them.
This morning we walked down to Ponferrada and saw the Templar castle there- cool! Then I had to say goodbye to my darling Montse, who's leaving the Camino today. Que tristeza!!! I miss her already!
Then I continued along with Catalan Gloria and Isaac, met some Germans, ate some grapes, met up with old friends, had a cheese sandwich, had a beer with Peter whom I met the first day, and am now drying my clothes a bit before heading to my (undecided) destination for the night.
Que os vaya bien!

Enviado desde mi dispositivo BlackBerry® de Orange.

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