Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Might be just as zippy if we were in Mississippi!

Current music: "Good Morning" from Singin' in the Rain.

Yesterday I got to sleep in a single room- score! #winning, but I woke up super early trying to catch up to a friend who'd gone ahead a few towns. The view was beautiful- I passed through vineyards with the sweetest grapes I've ever tasted and eventually arrived to Villafranca. It's a small town, but has no less than 3 Romanesque churches and a big castle. I didn't find my friend, so I just kept walking. I was told to smile by some old men. I think the heat and the large amount of beside-the-highway walking was getting to me. I braided my hair like Dorothy and was called Heidi. I passed the old men again and they invited me to lunch. Half were gay, it turned out, all were rich and one is even a food critic. Turned out to be a nice meal and I found the lost friend in the next town. We listened outside and sang along as Ufra played the guitar and a tiny kitten was the object of all the pilgrim affection. Later, German Markus (but not Montse's hobbitt) wanted to play English songs so we could sing, but mid-song forgot how to play More Than Words. @shanasolarte
This morning we were awoken by the sound of Ave Maria on loud speakers. Being a pilgrim means some pretty weird hazing rituals, but then he played a song from my absolute favorite movie and it was like my granny or mother was here. How nice.

So good morning, good morning. Sunbeams will soon smile through (I'd give it half an hour). Good morning, good morning to you!

Enviado desde mi dispositivo BlackBerry® de Orange.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to say I'd remember how to play it!
