Thursday, August 25, 2011

Beautiful Burgos

So yesterday after deciding my feet would fall off, Jesus and I took a bus into Belorado. We had to walk a while and wait a while in the weird and quiet, fog-ridden pueblo about 3km from our destination. It had not even one bar in the whole town (maybe we left Spain momentarily). We spent the day eating and drinking with the Sevillanos and the Catalanes. We found a corn cob church (a mystery since corn was not in Europe at the time of construction) and a guy who was trying to save the trees by planting flowers in old boots and have his visitors draw a tree. (Don't see how using paper helps save the environment, but who am I to judge?) Then we played cards and drank the bars own specially brewed wine until late late late for us pilgrims- midnight. Yeah. #toma. Then today we walked a bit more to another semi-deserted pueblo to catch a bus to Burgos. We found a sign that said we had to have a reservation a day in advance for the bus to stop (whoops!) But just as we were despairing, one came by and stopped for us.
We got into Burgos and had breakfast before touring the BEAUTIFUL cathedral. No really, this place is gorgeous. The city center is enchanting and the cathedral is one of the best I've seen. It's huuuge and provided a nice afternoon of entertainment. A group of ten went for a light lunch and then we have been wandering around since then. We walked up a big hill to a vista of the city- que bonita! And then we've said goodbye to the Sevillanos and Catalanes. Tomorrow we'll rest for the day and then start on Saturday towards Santiago.
Enviado desde mi dispositivo BlackBerry® de Orange.

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