Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The latest

Maybe you've been rocked recently like a hurricane or literally by an earthquake, if either is the case I hope you and your loved ones are well.
As for us pilgrims, we've been slowly making our way through Castilla y Leon, a dry and Kansas-y sort of region about halfway to Santiago.
We went for a few days going up to 20km (a smallish amount for fit pilgrims) with our packs and all and were doing well. Yesterday we made it up to 26km by walking till lunch, eating and drinking into siesta-on-the-grass time and then going a few towns more after the heat subsides around 7pm. There was a big mountain in the morning that Montse ended up going backwards down. Luckily the path was paved. It was an 18% graded hill. Youch. The place we ate lunch at was cool and had a pool and the nice hostel owner let us nap on the lawn (good thing we're cute). The afternoon walk was alongside a canal and was an enjoyable walk.
Today we went about 20km mostly along a highway = lame. We're staying at a former school that's run as a hostel now by nuns. They're cute and cheerful. I wish they'd sing more!
Enviado desde mi dispositivo BlackBerry® de Orange.

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