Saturday, August 13, 2011

Me piro

Current music: "L'elephant" Tom Poisson
Current thought: If I don't have a digital copy of your mailing address, I can't send you anything. Send me a message if you'd like to receive a postcard.
Current location: Near Roncesvalles, on the bus to St Jean Pied de Port

So after checking into a pilgrim's hostel today to stay the night there, I decided to go for a walk. I found lovely things like churches and the city hall. Had plans to take it easy and relax before a big journey, plans to eat Basque tapas and call a friend to dar un paseo with. Then! My Blackberry told me I had an email. It read that I could stay in St Jean tonight, so! I ran back to the hostel, convinced the girl to give me my money back, ran to the bus station, and am now on the bus over the border. I'll start out tomorrow morning back for Spain, but cannot update my blog from Francey pants, so until I'm back in Spain I will have to say nos vemos. Hasta pronto, queridos.

Enviado desde mi dispositivo BlackBerry® de Orange.

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