Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Current company: Montse, Aurelie, Johannes, Isaac
Current thought: don't wear new shoes hiking.

Yesterday, we walked to Sto Domingo where there were lots of legends about cooked chickens. Luckily, the prominence of the birds in and around the town made me laugh a lot after a long walk. For lunch I baked a pizza. Yum! The hostel was really incredibly nice. It was pay-by-donation but was like a nice hotel, thoug pilgrim-serving. It was really amazing. David and I went around town and into the cathedral which is home to lots of old stuff and two live chickens. Awesome. It also houses the tomb of good ol' santo D himself. We decided to climb the bell tower which was a poor idea since that meant climbing and un-climbing the 176 steps. The view was nice but not worth my knee.
Later we got some ice cream and went for a walk and in the albergue a huge group celebrated David from BCN's 22nd birthday. Manchester boy sang songs and was precious and we all got happy and sangs songs and ate cake.
Today I walked on and off with Montse, Isaac, and Johannes. I walked a bit in my flip flops because my ankles were becoming bruised by the new boots. We arrived around 13 and made a pasta lunch. We didn't decide to stay in the hostel with a pool and I'm beginning to think that was a bad idea...
Off to nap and maybe sneak into the pool.
Enviado desde mi dispositivo BlackBerry® de Orange.

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