Saturday, August 13, 2011


Current music: Pachabel's Canon as a landline ringtone
Current thought: All I want is a room somewhere (in Roncesvalles)
Current location: St Jean Pied de Port
So I arrived to the town this afternoon and SURPRISE: It's festival time. That's fine with me as I got to see some Basque dancing and enjoy the little banderitas hanging everywhere.  One problem: the noise! There are bands and festive crap and merry-makers everywhere.  I do enjoy the hostel and its working staff -- Eric è enchante or however that language goes.  Tomorrow is basically the roughest etapa... there are few places to stop and it's through the Pyrenees. And on the dark side of the tunnel there are not very many beds in the albergue in the next stop... blerg.  I'll be off at the sound of the crow, so I should actually head to the cama now.  Here's to my first day.  Hasta lueguito.

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