Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day one done

Current music: accordion playing
Current thought: mountains are cold
Current location: Roncesvalles, Spain

So it's gone well. I started out early after sleeping exceptionally poorly in St Jean. The breakfast was laughable, so I left with a Spanish family; Ana, Xavier, and Jorge from BCN. We also soon met up with David from CT but lives in Zaragoza. We went a long ways before they began a much faster pace than I wanted to manage. I went solo for a while today, but also met up with sisters who live in S Africa and Canada, Paco from Alicante, the Valencianos, Tatiana from Bologna, and Pep from BCN who shared his Coke with me. There were beautiful mountains and sheep and cows. I ate lots of power bars (thanks, Mercadona!) half a baguette (thanks, French baker!) and an apple (thanks, Yolanda!). It rained a few drops around midway and I got pretty scared it would tip down, but luckily it didn't rain again until two minutes after I entered the monastery here in Roncesvalles. The path was almost all subida until about an hour from Roncesvalles and then it was a steep hill down. This I did not like pa' na'. It was rough on the knees and at least 60% decline. But the good news is I made it to the albergue, got a bed, showered, and took a little cat nap. Tonight we'll go to mass and pilgrim's dinner.
Hasta ahora.
Enviado desde mi dispositivo BlackBerry® de Orange.

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