Monday, August 15, 2011

Today was a slow-moving day. I woke up and left later than the great majority of the hostel and stopped to get coffee. I stayed a bit longer than I had planned and then wasted a silly amount of time trying to get cash from a machine that clearly wanted nothing to do with me. Later I met Montse(rrat) and have been more or less around her all day. She takes the declines pretty badly so I also spent some time with Valladolidavid and Rosie from Brighton. After arriving to the hostel and finding everything but pricy hotels, I chose to camp it out on a floor mattress inside the town's polideportiva jai alai court. I took a swim in the river where the water was cool and refreshing. After watching Poor Man's poker (played with rock bets), we went out for a beer and I made friends with the Barcelona girls.
Y mañana más. Ya me voy a planchar la oreja.
Sweet dreams.

Enviado desde mi dispositivo BlackBerry® de Orange.

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